Prof. Ashok PandeyCSIR Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India Topic: Resource Recovery from Biowastes: Bioeconomy Perspectives for Energy and Environmental Sustainability |
Prof. Agamuthu PariatambySunway University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Topic: Sustainable Biowaste Management in Developing Countries |
Prof. Klaus FrickeTechnical University of Braynschweig, Germany Topic: Separate Collection of Biowaste in Germany- Status Quo and Optimization Potentials |
Prof. Rajeswar D. TyagiINRS, Quebec, Canada Topic: Bioconversion of Organic Wastes to Useful Products |
Prof. Yong Sik OkKorea University, Seoul, South Korea Topic: Applied Machine Learning to Predict CO2 Adsorption on Biomass Waste-derived Porous Carbon |
Prof. Solange I. MussattoTechnical University of Denmark Topic: Process Integration for a Cost-efficient Production of Biobased Products |
Prof. Pin-jing HeTongji University, Shanghai, China Topic: Macro-meso- and Microplastics in Waste and Others |